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Rachel’s Thoughts

The Measure of an Heir of Hope

The Measure of an Heir of Hope

Trials will invariably come. Though we may not be able to do all the things that we wish, we are still important because of WHOSE we are.

My April Watchlist

My April Watchlist

Read on to get the scoop on a faith-based teen musical, a sitcom, a superhero spinoff, an inspiring true story, a long-running drama, and a rags-to-riches tale.

Refocusing From People to God

Refocusing From People to God

When the sun goes down each day, I find it easier to replay man’s criticisms than God’s mercies. Of course it’s good to listen to wise advice, but, wrap yourself too tight in the opinions of others, and you will find yourself in a suffocating state. Let’s explore some of the trappings of seeking man’s approval, versus the benefits of seeking God’s!

Fighting False Freedoms

Fighting False Freedoms

In the midst of harsh temptation, every day can seem like a struggle. But especially in these times, it is essential that we cling closely to truth, as there is a danger of our “solutions” becoming worse than the original problem. Here are three false freedoms to keep an eye out for!

How to Keep Going When Things Aren’t Going Right

How to Keep Going When Things Aren’t Going Right

I have a habit of counting my troubles–of seeing all the negatives of any situation. But where I go wrong is in failing to realize that a “good day” is not when granted wishes outnumber inconveniences, but when I realize that my reasons to carry on are much more important than my reasons to give up. Here are three reasons that we can use to stay encouraged and motivated as we go through struggles.

The Path to Forgiveness

The Path to Forgiveness

Let’s look at some Biblical truths about forgiveness–a one-way ticket through “a plain path” to a greater existence!

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