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The Measure of an Heir of Hope

The Measure of an Heir of Hope

I remember when my great-grandmother lost the use of her limbs after a stroke. Her despair was great when she told me, “I can’t do anything for anyone anymore.” She felt useless, like she had no purpose for living. It was true that she was bound to a bed and required...
Tips for Handling Stressful Situations

Tips for Handling Stressful Situations

Indecision can be tough! With every thought, word, and action, my spirit always desires to be in line with the Bible, and what will be God-honoring. The problem I have with my overly-analytical mind is that sometimes I think up too much justification for either side...
Refocusing From People to God

Refocusing From People to God

When the sun goes down each day, I find it easier to replay man’s criticisms than God’s mercies. Of course it’s good to listen to wise advice, but, wrap yourself too tight in the opinions of others, and you will find yourself in a suffocating state....
Fighting False Freedoms

Fighting False Freedoms

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. -Proverbs 14:12   In the midst of harsh temptation, every day can seem like a struggle. But especially in these times, it is essential that we cling closely to truth, as...
Examples of God’s Deliverance in Dark Times

Examples of God’s Deliverance in Dark Times

The stories of God’s great power in times of trouble are some of the most comforting passages in the Bible. And they are still true for us today! Let’s dive into the scriptures and read about God’s compassion and his saving hand for his children...